Look on the image! You can see all cultural aspects that impact or may impact on the instructional design of the lesson.

Therefore, with culturally inclusive content, teacher help students to:
- build a knowledge and understanding of cultural and linguistic diversity
- develop students’ understandings about the social nature of the production of knowledge and an appreciation of the values underlying ‘objective’ knowledge
- explore a range of cultures and beliefs including various cultural contexts, world views and perspectives – including migrant and refugee experiences provide opportunities for investigating one’s own and others’ cultures, backgrounds and circumstances
- explore how people of similar cultural backgrounds can express culture and scientific knowledge differently.
Watch the video “Cultural Inclusion for ILS” and try four culturally inclusive environmental Inquiry Learning Lessons developed in a frame of the inSTEAM project:
- Water Consumption: Fill a pool without water (Primary school)
- Is Climate Change real? – An artistic point of view (Primary and Secondary schools)
- Clean Water: Past & Present (Primary school)
More Information:
(1) Cultural inclusion, Multicultural Education, NSW government – Education, https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/multicultural-education/culture-and-diversity/cultural-inclusion ( last update 06 May 2020)
(2) A.Muniz, Chapter 10: Culturally Responsive Lessons for Students, K-5, Culturally Responsive CRM & M Handbook, 2008, University of Texas at San Antonio, https://sites.google.com/site/crmmprojectsite/Home
(3) Kea, C. D., & Campbell, G. C. (2004). Developing culturally responsive lesson plans. Paper presented at the 54th State Conference for Exceptional Children, Greensboro, North Carolina. https://pbismissouri.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/6A_HO2_-Culturally-Responsive-lessonplans1.pdf (access 08 Sept.2020)
(4) M. Guido, 15 Culturally-Responsive Teaching Strategies and Examples + Downloadable List, Prodigy, 2017 https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/blog/culturally-responsive-teaching/ (access 24 Apr 2020)