implementation The InSTEAM project aims to create a series of learning resources that allow for more individualized, inclusive and personalized STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning. The goal is to establish pathways for inclusive, innovative and interdisciplinary environmental STEAM education that reduces disparities in access to and engagement with digital STEAM education.

InSTEAM will be carried out with partners in Spain, Portugal, Cyprus and Greece, as the approaches and curricula are similarly suited to introduce innovative, digital and inclusive environmental STEAM education. The project will use the highly successful Go-Lab Ecosystem ( and its award-winning tools to create a series of inclusive and engaging STEAM lessons, as well as offer guidance to teachers on how to implement, adapt and even create lessons based on the principles of students’ self-regulation, differentiation and other pedagogical principles.

To make the ILSs inclusive, each one will use appropriate infographics, tools, apps, activities, and video resources in environmental topic areas that incorporate elements of STEAM. The activities and resources will include experimentation with online labs (virtual or remote) and will based on the pedagogical principle of inquiry- and project-based learning. Go-Lab provides multiple apps that support the learning progression of students and allows them to choose different apps and tools to achieve their learning in their own speed and pace. Go-Lab also offers teachers multiple tools to monitor the learning progression of students on an individual basis, allowing for direct interaction, providing personal real-time feedback, enabling them to set hints, quizzes, etc.

Environmental education is often lauded by educators as an ideal way to integrate academic disciplines, stimulate the academic and social growth of young people, and promote conservation of the natural environment. The environment is a compelling context for teaching and learning about STEAM as it provides a diverse range of real-world challenges that engage students in opportunities to apply and reinforce STEAM concepts across multiple subject areas. We will offer three environmental topics (climate change, renewable energy, water management) for a series of ca. 6-10 ILS each (in total we estimate to build ca. 25 ILSs).