

The Labschool Project

The Labschool project is a spin-off the Go-Lab/NextLab and inSTEAM EU projects. The main purpose of Labschool Project is to train Institute Ferran Tallada teaching team in Inquiry-based Learning technologies, more specifically in the Go-Lab environment.  In accordance with our strategic project, the Labschool team intend to integrate these learning technique in their organisation to help their students to improve their results and become competent […]

Transnational Project Meeting (virtual), 27 Sept. 2021

With the final meeting we completed work in a framework of the inSTEAM project. Everything that was planned 2 years ago are performed. The project objectives are achieved. However, we continue our posts on this wall and a work for educational community in other projects – Polar Star (, ASSESS ( and Digi-Science (

Multiplier Event, Portugal

The face-to-face multiplier event was performed by the NUCLIO team. It took place Saturday, September 25, 2021 at the Escola Secundária Frei Gonçalo de Azevedo, Cascais. 32 Teachers from primary and secondary schools of the Cascais and Lisboa participated in this first face-to-face multiplier event after lockdown. During the event the trainer explained the inSTEAM […]

Conference “Inclusion in STEAM Class”, 25 Sept. 2021

International inSTEAM Teachers’ Conference “Inclusion in STEAM Class” took place virtually at the 25th September 2021, 9:30-12:30 ( CET-Brussels Time). This conference has been created specifically for STEAM teachers of primary and secondary schools who would like to enhance their teaching instruction with inclusive environmental inquiry lessons. The sessions were designed to provide the new instruments […]

Multiplier Event, Cyprus

The face-to-face multiplier event was performed by the University of Cyprus team. It took place Saturday, September 11, 2021 at the University of Cyprus. 32 Teachers from primary and secondary schools participated in this first face-to-face multiplier event after lockdown. The event includes the follow topics: STEM education: Definition, didactic, approaches and examples of applications; […]

Lesson Plan: UDL incorporated into Inquiry Learning Lesson

The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach that allows educators to create inclusive environment. It brings learning equity to a diverse classroom by acknowledging and accommodating each learner’s individual needs and strengths. The UDL incorporates a set of principles, which offers each student an equal opportunity to learn. This set is based on […]

Universal Design for Learning in Practice

During summer 2021 over 300 teachers from consortium countries performed the teacher learning lesson “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Practice”. From now this exercise is available for teachers Go-Lab community as an Online Training Module (TM8 /Informative). We are proud that more than 10000 teachers worldwide can use this inclusive approach in their teaching […]

Multiplier event, Greece

The ME was a two-part event. First part took place on the 13th of May 2021 and the second part on 20th of May 2021. Each session lasted 3 hours. During the first session, the team presented the overall approach of InSTEAM; The topics selected, the pedagogical approaches followed and how activities are combined, as […]

Multiplyer Event, Spain

The first face-to-face multiplier event was performed by the University of Deusto team. It took place 29 June 2021 at the Saint Patrick´s English School, Donostia/San Sebastian. It is the first face-to-face multiplier event after lockdown with 20 participants. During this activity, we discussed with teachers the implementing inclusive environmental STEAM lessons in their day-by-day […]